
Android vs iOS App Development – Key Factors, Tech Stack, Pros/Cons

July 27, 2022
Android vs iOS App Development – Key Factors, Tech Stack, Pros/Cons

With ever-increasing digitization, websites are no longer the best way to access information, products, and services. People are more inclined towards Android and iOS devices with mobile applications more convenient for these tasks compared with traditional websites.

When you plan to develop an app for your business, the first step is to choose which mobile app development to opt for – Android or iOS!

While eventually, you might be planning to have an app for both platforms to cater to more audiences, developers usually prefer to develop one system first. It’s a common practice that they follow.

For example – Instagram was launched on iOS first. They might have had some considerations for the same. Then, they launched it for Android also after two years. So, every business has unique goals, targets, and considerations, all you need to do is analyze what exactly is your goal and requirements.

  • Moreover, launching an app on one platform has a few advantages too. Let’s check here – You can track user engagement and behavior and also which features they use the most and which do not.
  • It increases the eagerness of the ones who don’t have access to the app. The public already knows about your app so once you launch it for different platforms too, you can easily acquire new users.
  • If in case, your Android or iOS mobile app needs some changes, it is easier to do it on one app and create a second version of your app accordingly. Hence, time, cost, and effort are less invested.

So, now the question is which mobile app platform you should go for first!

Android vs iOS App Development – Which One to Choose?

Be it android or iOS, both platforms have their advantages and disadvantages. The choice between them comes down to 5 key factors you must consider from the business point of view –

#1. Target Audience
Analyze which users are more beneficial for your business, Android users or iOS users. Following questions will help you decide which platform to choose –

  • Who will be using your app?
  • Where do they live?
  • Which demographics do you want to reach?

Once you know the answer, you can plan which one to choose in Android vs iOS App development.

#2. Revenue
Well, this is the most important factor that every business owner must consider. So, before deciding on the iOS vs Android market share, you must analyze how would you be generating the revenues from the app – From app monetization, ads, in-app purchases, or premium accounts? Finding the answer to this question would help you make the right decision.

#3. Complexity and Time
When you think of mobile app development, complexity is obvious. But then, time is another crucial factor as delay in app launch may cause you heavy losses. So, choose wisely between android vs iOS app development.

#4. Budget
Analyze which mobile app development Chicago will cost you a lower budget, Android or iOS? Once you have the report, you’re smart enough to decide.

#5. Features
As every business is unique, its target audience might be unique too. To outshine the competition, you must come up with some extraordinary features that your audience will love. Based on the features and functionalities offered within Android or iOS mobile app development Chicago, you can make your choice.

Android vs iOS Technology Stack for Mobile App Development

Let’s see what technologies mobile developers in Chicago prefer the most to build mobile apps for Android and iOS devices.

Android Mobile App Development Chicago

Most developers in Chicago use Java, C++, and Kotlin programming languages for developing Android apps. They also use the following advanced Google development tools for experiencing ease and efficiency –

  • Android Jetpack – A set of pre-build Android components.
  • Firebase – A comprehensive mobile app development platform.
  • Android SDK development kit – Connected with Android Studio, an integrated development environment.

iOS Mobile App Development Chicago

Unlike the Android operating system, iOS has closed source code which means that iOS works only on Apple devices. The iOS App Developers based in Chicago might use Swift or Objective-C for app development. Additionally, they may use the following tools to get their job done faster –

  • iOS SDK (Software Development Kit) – Integrated with the Cocoa Touch UI framework that offers graphical elements, user interface controls, and others.
  • XCode – An official integrated development environment (IDE) for iOS development.
  • Swift Playgrounds – Swift development environment.
  • TestFlight – An online service for over-the-air installation and testing.

Android vs iOS App Development – Pros & Cons

Below, we have compiled lists of the major pros and cons of Android vs iOS app development. Going through these pointers, you will know which one would be the right fit for your Chicago-based business –

Advantages of Android mobile app development

  • Open System – Android developers often have access to more features that are usually restricted in iOS applications.
  • Design – Android app developers use extensive Google design guidelines to design an intuitive user interface.
  • Fragmentation – This could be a disadvantage, but this aspect allows developers to develop apps not only for an Android smartphone, but also for a broader range of devices, including smart wearables, TVs, in-car systems, and others.
  • Release – Unlike iOS apps, Android apps are easier to publish. You can easily list your mobile app on the Google Play store and the entire process would take only just a few hours.

Disadvantages of Android App Development

  • Fragmentation – As mentioned above, fragmentation could be a drawback also. Nowadays, Android devices come in different screen sizes and resolutions, so the mobile app developers might need more time to adjust the app’s features for each unique device.
  • Testing – Android versions might vary on each device, so it would be difficult and time-taking for QA analysts to do the proper testing of your app for each different device and android version.
  • Costly – The more time is consumed in development testing, the higher will be the app price. However, the price also depends on the app’s features and complexity.

Advantages of iOS Mobile App Development

  • Revenue – Apple users generally have more spending capacity than android users. So, you can always generate more revenue by targeting apple users.
  • The Number of Devices – As mentioned above, iOS works only for Apple products, so there would be a limited number of devices you might need to focus on.
  • UI Design – Apple has a pre-set detailed style guide for the app UI, so the mobile app developers who are pros in iOS app development will take less time. Hence, time, money, and effort are less invested.

Disadvantages of iOS App Development

  • App Release – The iOS App Store has quite strict review guidelines, so not every app would be approved on the marketplace due to security concerns, a lack of valuable content, or poor performance. Besides, the developer can submit their apps for real-life testing which usually takes a few days.
  • Flexibility – iOS apps are hard to customize due to the design restrictions by Apple.

Wrapping Up

If you want to develop your business app as a minimum viable product under strict deadlines and with a limited budget, you can go for the iOS app.

But in case you’re willing to expand in global markets and target more audiences worldwide, your business app will require distinct features that Apple won’t support, so launching an Android app would be the best bet in such cases.

Despite the platform you select, you can always build another version of your app anytime. In this way, you’ll have more opportunities for revenue generation.

To receive a free consultation from an app developer in Chicago, Cloudester is here to help! Drop us a line below or connect directly through email.

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