Staff Augmentation


faster than staffing firms

Cut Costs by


with superior quality over freelancers



developers equipped with AI



customer satisfaction and loyalty

Services We Offer

  • IT Team Augmentation
    • Seamless integration of Cloudester employees into your technical team, fostering collaborative project dynamics.
    • Employees from Cloudester join your technical team under your project manager’s management.
    • Fully staffed with required skills, accelerating project progress by 1.5–2 times.

    Best for: Businesses with established development teams needing extra resources for tight deadlines or skill gaps.

  • Dedicated Team
    • Efficient assembly of a specialized development team by Cloudester for specific project tasks.
    • Seamless collaboration with your in-house team or other vendors to leverage collective expertise.
    • Skilled project managers from Cloudester oversee work, ensuring effective task execution and project success.
    • Enhanced project coordination facilitated by diverse communication tools like Slack, Jira, Confluence, Microsoft Teams.

    Best for: Multi-team projects where overall progress control is crucial.

  • Full Project Outsourcing
    • Entrusts end-to-end software development to Cloudester, saving up to 30% in development costs.
    • No need to hire, onboard, or train full-time tech staff.

    Best for: Businesses with overloaded/absent tech teams aiming to minimize involvement in project management.

  • Managed IT Services
    • Proactive routine monitoring by Cloudester ensures continuous IT infrastructure stability.
    • Efficient management of IT operations to enhance overall system performance.

    Best for: Businesses lacking an in-house IT team, seeking a vendor to guarantee stable IT environment operation.

Our Approach for Staff Augmentation

Through our adaptable and methodical Staff Augmentation practices, we guarantee that our client’s hiring process identifies the ideal candidate for the right project at the right moment. Here’s our operational framework.

Our Approach for Staff Augmentation Our Aproach Mob Resp

Why Choose Cloudester for Staff Augmentation?

  • Dynamic Team

    Rely on our 50+ In-house Digital Product Developers to ensure your digital product stands out as best-in-class.

  • Specialized Recruitment

    Harness the strength and reach of our 250+ robust team across the US and India to secure top talent.

  • Unmatched Expertise

    Benefit from our 13+ years of process in the IT and Digital domain, guaranteeing an unparalleled experience.

  • Flexible Hiring

    Access the finest global talent on demand. Our forte lies in providing on-demand recruitment solutions.

  • Agile Hiring Process

    Experience prompt and agile recruitment procedures that yield impressive outcomes in record time.

  • Trusted by Global Brands

    With a track record of serving 700+ global brands, we consistently deliver captivating results.

Benefits of Cloudester Staff Augmentation

  • Recruitment Ease

    Our IT augmentation services spare your company the burden of hunting for and recruiting validated development talent. We handle the screening process, presenting you with approved CVs.

  • Cost Efficiency

    Trim your company’s expenses by eliminating costs associated with office space, equipment, and taxes. Invest in what generates the most value for your company.

  • Simplified Legalities

    Under our IT augmentation services, we assume the role of official employers for your hires. All legal responsibilities and documentation are managed by our company.

  • Vetted Talent Access

    Devox Software provides immediate access to a vast talent pool at affordable rates. Enhance your team with certified software specialists.

  • Deadline Drive

    Boost your technical capacity when racing against tight deadlines. Our team of developers dedicates their efforts to ensuring timely project delivery.

  • Total Control

    We encourage you to handpick your team members and actively participate in the screening process. Manage your project’s success and stay informed about all changes.

Boost Your Business with the Right Tech Team

As a premier and one of the foremost Staff Augmentation providers, we excel in unique IT skills and stand prepared to support you with your particular project needs.

Front End Developer Back End Developer Full Stack Developers Mobile App Developers
eCommerce Developers Project Managers Cloud Experts DevOps Engineers
QA Test Automation Engineers Data Scientists UI UX Engineers Support Engineers
Integration Engineers Artificial Intelligence Engineers Machine Learning Engineers

Our Engineers – Technology Expertise

As a premier and one of the foremost Staff Augmentation providers, we excel in unique IT skills and stand prepared to support you with your particular project needs.
















Objective C




React Native




























Google Cloud

Microsoft Azure Serverless

Microsoft Azure












Maven as a DevOps











Download the Rate Card

To download, help us understand your requirements so that we can match your expectations and send the best pricing.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is staff augmentation?

    Staff augmentation is a flexible outsourcing strategy where skilled professionals are hired to complement your existing team or fulfill specific project needs.

    How does Cloudester's staff augmentation differ from traditional hiring?

    Cloudester’s staff augmentation allows you to scale your team quickly without the long-term commitments and costs associated with traditional hiring.

    Can I hire staff for short-term projects with Cloudester's services?

    Yes, our staff augmentation model allows you to hire professionals for short-term projects based on your specific requirements.

    What benefits does staff augmentation offer in terms of cost savings?

    Staff augmentation allows you to avoid long-term overhead costs associated with hiring full-time employees, such as benefits and office space.

    How does Cloudester handle communication between the augmented staff and our in-house team?

    We facilitate seamless communication through various channels, ensuring effective collaboration and project progress.

    Can I interview and choose candidates before they join my team?

    Yes, you have the opportunity to interview and select candidates based on your project requirements.

    What happens if I need to scale up or down quickly?

    Cloudester provides the flexibility to scale your team up or down based on your project’s evolving needs.

    How does Cloudester handle confidentiality and data security?

    We prioritize confidentiality and data security through strict adherence to industry best practices and compliance standards.

    How does Cloudester ensure that the staff stays updated with industry trends?

    We encourage continuous learning and professional development to ensure our staff remains updated with the latest industry trends.

    How does Cloudester handle differences in time zones for remote teams?

    We work with you to find suitable overlapping hours for collaboration and maintain efficient communication, despite time zone differences.

    What reporting and tracking mechanisms does Cloudester provide for augmented staff?

    Cloudester offers regular progress reports, task tracking, and communication logs to keep you informed about your augmented team’s activities.

    How does Cloudester handle intellectual property rights for work done by augmented staff?

    Our agreements include clear provisions on intellectual property rights, ensuring your ownership of work delivered by augmented staff.

    Can I hire staff for ad-hoc projects through Cloudester's services?

    Yes, Cloudester’s staff augmentation model is flexible, allowing you to hire for both ongoing projects and short-term ad-hoc assignments.

    How does Cloudester support communication and collaboration tools for remote teams?

    Cloudester ensures access to robust communication and collaboration tools to facilitate seamless interaction among remote teams.

    What measures does Cloudester take to ensure the well-being of augmented staff?

    We prioritize the well-being of our staff and provide a conducive work environment, promoting a healthy work-life balance.

    Can I request additional resources during an ongoing staff augmentation engagement?

    Yes, you can request additional resources as needed, and we will work to accommodate your requirements promptly.

    How does Cloudester handle the offboarding process for augmented staff?

    Our offboarding process is streamlined, ensuring a smooth transition and the return of any company assets held by the augmented staff.


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