How Flutter is Reshaping the Future of Mobile App Development?

March 03, 2022
How Flutter is Reshaping the Future of Mobile App Development?

During the pandemic, mobile app development has gained strong momentum in the market. Now every 9 out of 10 businesses are looking forward to launching their mobile apps to build better connections with customers and increase the conversion ratio.

In this buzzing mobile app development world, Flutter, due to its intuitive user-interface and cross-platform capabilities has become the first and foremost choice of many mobile app developers.

If you’re also up for launching a mobile app in 2022 and looking to hire Flutter App Developers, you’ve come to the right place. At Cloudester, one of the top Flutter App Development Companies, we have a team of highly experienced and skilled mobile app developers who know what exactly it takes to design and develop a mobile app in Flutter that can help you outshine the competition and make an exceptional presence among the market.

But before you make any decisions, it’s always important to know about the Flutter app development process in detail and why it may be the most suitable option for your mobile app needs. So let’s get started!

What Exactly is Flutter & Why Your Business May Need It?

Flutter is a mobile app SDK (Server Development Kit) created by Google. It was released in 2017 and since then, it has gained a lot of popularity among the mobile app development industry all around the world. 

As Flutter uses the Dart programming language developed by Google, it makes the object-oriented features recognizable to Java or C++ programmers. That makes it even easier for beginners to get their hands on Flutter mobile app development.

Today, all the top brands like Google Advertising, Accenture, Tata Consulting Services, Alibaba, and many others are using Flutter for developing their business apps. Indeed, Flutter is something really special and an interesting tool to take your brand goals to the next level.

Let’s dig deeper into the top benefits of Flutter mobile app development!

5 Reasons Why You Must Hire Flutter App Developers for Your Mobile App!

#1. Open Source Framework

The Flutter code is easily readable and understandable to everyone. That means anyone with even slight knowledge of web development can leverage this technology by submitting bug reports, fixing bugs, or improving documentation. This helps companies in saving up resources and hiring costs by taking help from open-source developers in Flutter app development also.

#2. Cross-Platform Capabilities

That means, hiring any of the flutter app development companies will also help in building Android and iOS applications. This tool is highly efficient in saving iteration time used to make changes over different versions of the app. You can make changes for just one version, check them in real-time, and it will be reflected on all other versions after saving up.

#3. Faster Development 

Flutter’s hot reload feature eliminated the need for constant restarts when developing an Android/iOS application in the same project. Instead of waiting until all your changes are finished compiling on both platforms, you can see real-time improvements on the emulator. 

It reduces mobile app development time as well as effort.

#4. Custom UI

Flutter’s custom UI widgets ensure fast and easy customization to create beautiful designs available out of the box. With the Material Design library provided by Google, developers can efficiently create modern apps while still retaining native platform capabilities that iOS and Android apps are accustomed to.

Flutter also lets developers add custom widgets to ensure every aspect of UI comes with a unique look and feel.

#5. Lower Flutter App Development Cost

While other frameworks might require hiring multiple developers, with Flutter, there’s no need to hire two or more flutter app developers.

Not only does this save you money, but also ensures quality as the focus on developers remains entirely on creating a better product for users as they don’t have to worry about making separate apps that are not compatible with each other. 

To learn more about Flutter mobile app development, let’s connect with our team of experts to guide you from the scratch! Drop us a line at [email protected].

Good Luck!

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